I'm going to watch blue bird fly over my shoulder

Dec 14, 2010

good dish at iso-be-ne

i went to italian dish yesterday.

restaurant called'iso be-ne' is in Houzenji-Yokotyou in Osaka, JP.

christmas is coming soon

here is beautiful tree.
christmas is coming soon.

Dec 7, 2010


this celine sunglass is so cool one.
also this advertising is cool too.

where can i buy ?
please led me know.

i like Juergen Teller's photo.
it's so cool.

every season I enjoy Marc Jacobs advertising campaigne.

Nov 20, 2010

my foot my lord



this is my foot, also this is my lord.

Jul 29, 2010

short vacance



Jun 22, 2010

dancing on the table

raining raining raining in japan.
so people gonna dancing on the table.

Vanessa Bruno ete 10 movie.
it's so cute.

Jun 18, 2010

sale sale sale

everyone price down coming soon all over the world.


here coming my favolite movie director 'sofia coppola' latest film 'somewhere'
I like her film 'Lost in Translation'
it tells me a different view of Tokyo and japanese culture , it's so interesting for me.

For example, when charotte and bob go to 'syabusyabu' restaurant(syabushabu is popular dish of japan), they got so upsetted, because they have to cook it by themselves.
But for japanese it is usual. they eat it as they cooking.

anyway i'm very looking forward to this film.
story of 'somewhere' is human drama between movie actor and his daughter.

please check trailer.
Julian casabrancas sing lazy. it also cool.

Jun 11, 2010

here comes the summer

noon time is getting long and long.
I like the sky little time before it getting completely dark.

the end of sky shines blown-orange, it's very beautiful,
but it disappear soon.

every beautiful things in the world is fragile.

Jun 8, 2010

what's shaking on the hill

today, osaka is a bit cool weaher.

i have no job today, so i started this diary blog,

i'm looking forward to meet , talk , communicate many bloger all over the world.

i'm a easy mood person, around me, that always music played, and i chose my pretty good clothes by imaging music

music always give me a hint of my life.

today , i listen Nick Lowe.

i reaaly like his music,

Nick Lowe holds a special fascination for me.

his mood action and lifestyle are seemd very easy-comfortable for me.

i yearn toward him.

he sings

"there some thing in life more important than a busy social world"

for me that is 'listening to music and dress my favolite clothes and go around'.

music move me taking around.

thank you