I'm going to watch blue bird fly over my shoulder

Jun 8, 2010

what's shaking on the hill

today, osaka is a bit cool weaher.

i have no job today, so i started this diary blog,

i'm looking forward to meet , talk , communicate many bloger all over the world.

i'm a easy mood person, around me, that always music played, and i chose my pretty good clothes by imaging music

music always give me a hint of my life.

today , i listen Nick Lowe.

i reaaly like his music,

Nick Lowe holds a special fascination for me.

his mood action and lifestyle are seemd very easy-comfortable for me.

i yearn toward him.

he sings

"there some thing in life more important than a busy social world"

for me that is 'listening to music and dress my favolite clothes and go around'.

music move me taking around.

thank you

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